Reiki is a gentle technology of healing that originated in Japan. It means "universal life energy" in Japanese-the energy that naturally surrounds and sustains us. As an applied touch therapy, it passes through one person to another, or to oneself, and affects body, mind and spirit.
When you receive Reiki from me, you may feel a returning sense of balance and peace, increased joy or creativity, relief of pain or chronic illness, or a release of grief or trauma. Reiki can also accelerate your healing following medical or holistic treatments and your spiritual growth.
Reiki is a simple, time-tested means of healing that is as effective and powerful as it is gentle. In fact, recent scientific observations verify its benefit to all life forms.
About the Process. You lie fully clothed on a comfortable Reiki table. I place my hands on specific areas of your body and Reiki begins to flow. Sessions last 1-2 hours. You may experience a variety of sensations: heat, vibration, unusual heaviness, sudden joy and lightness, acute secondary awareness or simply peace--often lasted well after even one session. I am a Reiki Master, offering hands-on and distant-Reiki sessions, along with group and individual classes.
After the first session with Heidi, I felt relaxed yet invigorated. In the weeks that followed, I discovered that it was easier to "get" myself to make healthier choices. The cumulative effect has been transformational: I feel a greater sense of confidence in my own body than I ever have before. I am stronger and take better care of myself. As a treatment for my low energy, Reiki was a rewarding investment. But beyond that, Reiki has brought a greater sense of excitement and satisfaction to my life as a whole. --J Gardner
Click on the Sessions page to see my Reiki offerings.

In January 2005, during our year of traveling, Phil and I flew to Alaska for the month, to stay with friends in Eagle River. Together, we created a Reiki community, doing Reiki every single day for a month: Reiki Sessions, Reiki workshops, Reiki circles and Reiki classes. I did my first 21 Consecutive Days of Reiki with a client-she came to the house every evening!
We all had jobs: I gave Reiki sessions and led the Reiki activities, Bruce and Martha worked full time (taking personal days for the daytime classes), Phil grocery-shopped and cooked. We all supported each other and our community through each Reiki activity.
The energy was amazing-we were living our dream. We learned what it meant to "be Reiki"-something we had previously only talked about. We became a community of individuals practicing unconditional love and being conscious conduits of energy.
Late one evening at the close of our glorious stay, the four of us were marveling about the life we were living while eating a delicious dinner Phil had prepared for us. As we gazed at the snow-covered mountains, Phil expressed the depth and significance of our time together, and said "This is Reiki River!"
In consciously creating our work from that point forward, I added Studio to the name after looking the word up in the dictionary.
- Reiki: Vital energy. Unconditional love. Universal life force energy. Unmanifested.
- River: Flow of vital energies in our life. Being a conscious conduit of energy. Consciously manifesting.
- Studio: The art of learning, creating, allowing. Supporting people to remember what is important to them and how to live it.

A Unique Approach to Living